Ham Radio Station (K2MST)
A popular hobby and important public communication service during natural disasters and other major events, Amateur (or Ham) Radio uses small frequency radio bands to communicate voice, text, images, and other data wirelessly. Millions of operators and stations across the globe make up a vast amateur radio network that can even be used to communicate with the International Space Station! Anyone can be a ham radio operator with their own callsign, like the one for the MOST’s radio station: K2MST, operated by MOST staff Andy Slaugh (KB2LUV) and Chris Perrine (KB2FAF). All you need is your own ham radio license to get on the air! Visit our station to learn the basics, and find out more at the links below!
Big Ideas: Physics, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications
Amateur Radio Links & Resources
- On Friday, February 23, 2018, the MOST made contact with the International Space Station and communicated with NASA Astronaut Mark Vande Hei using the ham radio exhibit.
- Learn more about ham radio with The National Association for Amateur Radio, including how to get your license!
- NASA – Four Ways Ham Radio Connects and Inspires the World